Igromania 2005 May
al_m4 sherman_winter.base
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Text File
1,006 lines
[: cVehicleBase]
_RefID = 1
StringID = "al_m4 sherman_winter"
EditorHierarchyPath = Dynamic/Vehicle/Tank
TagString = ""
Name = "#iM4SHERMAN#"
Scale = 1, 1, 1
SynchroniztaionNeeded = 1
SavedCheckSum_ = "-1622577747"
ShowInPublicEditor = 1
Sectorized = 1
SectorMethod = 2
NameInEncyclopedia = ""
Nationality = ""
Team = 0
LOFObstacle = 0
Obstacle = 0
Category = 70
Selectable = 1
CastShadow = 1
ReceiveShadow = 1
ZSortShift = 0
HideModel = 0
TargetMaterialType = 1
Group = ""
TransparentForPointer = 0
UseMinRadiusForSelection = 1
BodyNode = ""
ShowGadgets = 1
ShowStateIcons = 1
ShowProgressBar = 1
GadgetsSizeFactor = 1, 1
GadgetsZOffsetFactor = 1
RemoveObstacleOnDeath = 1
Detonateable = 0
ShowHPBar = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 29.25
FOWRangeHeightModifier = 0
Priority = 1
FiringBehavior = 2
MovementBehavior = 0
SyncTargetsBehavior = 2
DestroyEmptyBehavior = 1
UnmountBehavior = 3
CanAttackWhileTurning = 1
CanAttackWhileMoving = 1
StaticBehavior = 0
DetectionDuration = 100
ShowReloadProgress = 1
ClassIcon = ""
UnmountTargetAngle = 0
Size = 4
MapNr = 2
AbleToOverRun = 1
SightingModifier = 1
PathMaxSegmentLength = 10
WeaponMode = 0
ArtilleryModeAnim = ""
AntiAirModeAnim = ""
[ComponentBases *]
[: cDRVehicleBase]
_RefID = 2
SubID = 0
OnDeathMinRangeHeat = 0
OnDeathMaxRangeHeat = 0
AccuracyModifierIfMoving = -80
ScytheArea = 2
HasTurret = 1
HasCaterpillar = 1
CaterpillarRepairTime = 5
TurretRepairTime = 7.5
WreckDestructable = 1
TurretHitChance = 1
CaterpillarHitChance = 1
WreckLifeTime = 40
[Body : cDamageValue]
HP = 180
Level = 0
[ActBody : cDamageValue]
HP = 180
Level = 0
[OnDeathDamage : cCompoundDamage]
PointLevel = 1
PointMinRangeHP = 0
PointMaxRangeHP = 0
CrewOnly = 0
BlastMaxRange = 5
BlastMinRange = 1
MaxRangeDamageMult = 0
MinRangeDamageMult = 1
[Blast : cDamageValue]
HP = 11
Level = 10
[Sides *]
[: cSideDesc]
Side = 0
Permeability = 0
Level = 13
[: cSideDesc]
Side = 1
Permeability = 0
Level = 13
[: cSideDesc]
Side = 2
Permeability = 0
Level = 13
[Wreck : cDamageValue]
HP = 100
Level = 1
[: cDiginControllerBase]
_RefID = 3
SubID = 0
ModelName = "gfx\objects\addon\military addon\dig_in_sandbag.bmod"
DiginTime = 6
DigoutTime = 3
DiginEffect = "Dig In Sand"
TurnAngle = 0
[: cEffectControllerBase]
_RefID = 4
SubID = 0
PrimaryMuzzleFireEffect = muzzle_cannon_medium
SecondaryMuzzleFireEffect = muzzle_MG
DestructionEffect = "explode_1"
DestructionDecal = "decal_crater_04_tankhoz"
WreckDestructionEffect = "explode_2"
WreckDestructionModel = gfx\objects\addon\wreck\wreck_tank_a.bmod
DestructionHideDelay = -1
PermanentEffectDummy = ""
FlameEffectDummy = _FLAME
[DustEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = dust_track
Delay = 0
[SmokeEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = "smoke_1"
Delay = 0
[FlameEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = Flame_tank_big
Delay = 0
[ExhaustEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = "exhausted_1"
Delay = 0
[PermanentEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = ""
Delay = 0
[: cEntityAnimatorBase]
_RefID = 5
SubID = 0
[: cEntityDynamicsBase]
_RefID = 6
SubID = 0
SuspensionMass = 5
SuspensionPosX = 15
SuspensionPosY = 15
SuspensionHardnessX = 0.006
SuspensionHardnessY = 0.02
SuspensionDamping = 0.3
SuspensionHeightMultiplier = 20
[: cFlammabilityBase]
_RefID = 7
SubID = 0
HeatingMult = 1
CoolingPower = 4
CoolingPowerIfBurning = 8
FlamingTempLimit = 60
DamageTempLimit = 45
FireDamageMult = 0.3
FireDamageLevel = 49
HeatEnergyTransferToCrew = 0
HeatingRangeMin = 1
HeatingRangeMax = 4
HeatingPowerAtRangeMin = 20
HeatingPowerAtRangeMax = 2.5
MaxInputHeat = 150
HeatTransferDelay = 1
[DamageTransferToCrew : cPointDamage]
PointLevel = 49
PointMinRangeHP = 0.25
PointMaxRangeHP = 0.25
CrewOnly = 0
[: cFloatingTextBase]
_RefID = 8
SubID = 0
[: cManagementBase]
_RefID = 9
SubID = 0
Picture = "gfx\interface\management\units_small\m4_sherman.dds"
Value = 33
Type = 0
ManHP = 210
ManSpeed = 13
ManDetection = 29.25
ManArmor = 350
ManPrimaryAccuracy = 35
ManPrimaryDamage = 145
ManSecondaryAccuracy = 35
ManSecondaryDamage = 40
[: cMountPointBase]
_RefID = 10
SubID = 0
Room = 5
ShootAngle = 0.7853982
UseEntrypoints = 1
BodyNode = ""
NDrivers = 1
NCrewMembers = 4
ShowMountedHPBars = 0
[: cSoundEffectSetBase]
_RefID = 11
SubID = 0
[Stand : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 0.75
Group = 2
MaxDistance = 35
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\vehicle\heavy tank idle.wav"
Chance = 1
[Move : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 2
Group = 2
MaxDistance = 60
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\vehicle\heavy tank run.wav"
Chance = 1
[Swim : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 2
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Turret : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 0.8
Group = 2
MaxDistance = 30
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\vehicle\tank turret turn-loop 03.wav"
Chance = 1
[Burn : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 40
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\others\burn tank01.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\others\burn tank02.wav"
Chance = 1
[ShootPrimary : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 12
Group = 3
MaxDistance = 80
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\tank gun-heavy 01.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\tank gun-heavy 02.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\tank gun-heavy 03.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\tank gun-heavy 04.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\tank gun-heavy 05.wav"
Chance = 1
[ShootSecondary : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 10
Group = 3
MaxDistance = 70
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\anti aircraft heavy-shoot 03.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\anti aircraft heavy-shoot 04.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\weapon\anti aircraft heavy-shoot 05.wav"
Chance = 1
[RunOver : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 100
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Haul : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Unhaul : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[DigIn : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[DigOut : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Repair : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Heal : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[ChangeToAntiAir : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[ChangeToAntiTank : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[RemoveMine : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[CaterpillarOff : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[TurretOff : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 1
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[Death : cSoundEffectSetBase::cSoundEffectInfo]
Volume = 25
Group = 1
MaxDistance = 100
[Samples *]
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\explosions\total destruction of war machines-01.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\explosions\total destruction of war machines-02.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\explosions\total destruction of war machines-03.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cSoundEffectSetBase::cProspect]
FileName = "sounds\game\explosions\total destruction of war machines-04.wav"
Chance = 1
[: cTurretControllerBase]
_RefID = 12
SubID = 0
TurretName = turret
TurretSpeed = 0.017
ShootAngle = 0.1
MinTurretAngle = -6.2831855
MaxTurretAngle = 6.2831855
RecoilForce = 0.1
SecondaryRecoilForce = 0
MuzzleFireObjectName = ""
IdleAnim = ""
FireAnim = FIRE
PrepareAnim = ""
AnimSpeed = 15
ShootDelay = 0
DefaultAngle = 0
RestoreTime = 5
[: cUnitAIBase]
_RefID = 13
SubID = 0
RefreshFrequency = 5
RefreshCloseUnitsFrequency = 1
UpdateRFFrequency = 10
BestWeaponWeight = 1
TargetAttackerWeaponWeight = 0.5
FreelanceWeaponWeight = 0.25
PosDeviation = 5
MTSWDistance = 2
MTSWCrew = 1
MTSWPreference = 4
MTSWRandom = 1
AutoMountDamageLimit = 0.5
FindCloseUnitsRadius = 0
LookAroundChanceModifier = 1
HoldPositionRange = 1
MoveInVicinityRange = 50
MoveInWideVicinityRange = 500
MoveFreelyRange = 9999999
PSWAnchor1 = 256
PSWAnchor2 = 3
PSWDistance = 2
PSWNotTooClose = 16
PSWWeapon = 6
PSWSpecialTarget = 12
PSWSafety = 3
HoldPositionTurnRange = 9999999
MoveInVicinityTurnRange = 9999999
MoveInWideVicinityTurnRange = 9999999
MoveFreelyTurnRange = 9999999
DSWAnchor = 4
DSWWeapon = 4
DSWDistance = 1
DSWNotTooClose = 16
DSWCurrentDir = 0.25
DSWSpecialTarget = 12
ScareMultiplier = 1
MoralIncreasePerSec = 0.2
CrawlMoral = 0.4
StandUpMoral = 0.6
FlameThrowerThreat = 0.3
RFMaxRefreshUnitNumber = 5
RFMinRefreshUnitNumber = 50
RFUnitNumberMinFreqMult = 0.2
NSpecialTargetPosHints = 4
NAnchorPosHints = 5
NRandomPosHints = 5
NSpecialTargetDirHints = 4
NAnchorDirHints = 4
NRandomDirHints = 4
ShareAttackerRadius = 20
ShareCombatEventRadius = 20
AttackerTimeout = 15
UnseenEnemyTimeout = 5
[BehaviorSetBase : cAI_BehaviorSetBase]
_RefID = 14
StringID = ""
BaseId_ = "192.168. 1. 15-1096539201-3308"
OverrideOwnerClassName = ""
[Flags : cDefaultFlags]
_RefID = 15
Flags = 4
[ItemBases *]
[: cUnitCommandExecutorBase]
_RefID = 16
SubID = 0
AbleToMove = 1
AbleToAttack = 1
AbleToMount = 0
AbleToMountOrUnmount = 1
AbleToTurnWeapon = 1
AbleToDefuseMine = 0
AbleToLayMine = 0
AbleToDetonate = 0
AbleToDigin = 1
AbleToRepair = 0
AbleToHeal = 0
AbleToUmbrella = 0
AbleToHaul = 0
AbleToTurn = 1
AbleToCrawl = 0
Unable = 0
RefreshFrequency = 10
[: cUnitControllerBase]
_RefID = 17
SubID = 0
ReversingDistance = 40
MaxSpeedWalk = 13
MaxSpeedRun = 13
MaxSpeedCrawl = 13
Acceleration = 8
Deceleration = 20
MaxRotationSpeedWalk = 29
MaxRotationSpeedRun = 29
MaxRotationSpeedCrawl = 29
RotationAcceleration = 150
TimeStep = 0.02
MinTurningAngle = 22.5
MaxTurningAngle = 90
ShootingAngle = 0.2
TextureAnimNode = TRACK_
TextureAnimFactor = 0.08
ShipMode = 0
PivotSize = 1
[WheelTrackMarkBases *]
[: cUnitMarkBase]
DummyName = DUST_
TextureName = gfx\textures\tracksign.tga
Size = 0.5
Axis = 1
Overlap = 0.2
[: cUnitDamageControllerBase]
_RefID = 18
SubID = 0
CreateDefaultDecal = 1
DefaultDirtyLevel = 2
MinimumDirtyLevel = 0.35
PieceEffect = ""
PieceSpeedRange = 5, 10
PieceRotationSpeedRange = 5, 10
PieceProbability = 1
[: cWeaponManagerBase]
_RefID = 19
SubID = 0
Active = 1
[WeaponBases *]
[: cTankGunBase]
Name = "#i75MMM3L40#"
OnTurret = 1
TurretID = 0
ReloadingDelay = 2.5999997
ReloadingDelayRandom = 0.6
SightingModifier = 2.7299998
PermeabilityModifier = 1
MinRange = 4
MaxRange = 52
OptimalRange = 0
EffectType = 1
ShootAngle = 0.1
RotateMuzzleEffect = 0
ForcePrimaryMuzzleEffect = 0
ShotEffectProbability = 1
ShotEffectDefaultLength = 50
ShotEffectBeginRange = 1, 1
ShotEffectEndRange = 1, 1
ShotEffectLine = 1
ShotEffectRocketMode = 0
MuzzleDummy = _MUZZLE
AttackGround = 1
AttackParatroopers = 0
AttackPlanes = 0
Type = 0
SynchronizeTo = -1
ZeroDelay = 0
ShowReloadProgress = 1
MaxRangeAccuracy = 45
MinRangeAccuracy = 105
MaxRangeMissRange = 10
MinRangeMissRange = 0
SourceMovementAccuracyModifier = -45
[ShotBase : cDirectShotBase]
ScareRange = 6
ScareValue = 1.5
HitDecal = "decal_crater_fadeaway_03"
ModelName = ""
Velocity = 1000
[Damage : cCompoundDamage]
PointLevel = 12
PointMinRangeHP = 75
PointMaxRangeHP = 50
CrewOnly = 0
BlastMaxRange = 5
BlastMinRange = 1.5
MaxRangeDamageMult = 0
MinRangeDamageMult = 1
[Blast : cDamageValue]
HP = 3
Level = 15
[ShotEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = "cannon trajectory"
Delay = 0
[: cMachineGunBase]
Name = "#iHEAVYMG#"
OnTurret = 0
TurretID = 0
ReloadingDelay = 0.6
ReloadingDelayRandom = 0.3
SightingModifier = 1
PermeabilityModifier = 1
MinRange = 0
MaxRange = 18
OptimalRange = 0
EffectType = 2
ShootAngle = 1
RotateMuzzleEffect = 1
ForcePrimaryMuzzleEffect = 0
ShotEffectProbability = 1
ShotEffectDefaultLength = 50
ShotEffectBeginRange = 1, 1
ShotEffectEndRange = 1, 1
ShotEffectLine = 1
ShotEffectRocketMode = 0
MuzzleDummy = _MG
AttackGround = 1
AttackParatroopers = 0
AttackPlanes = 0
Type = 1
SynchronizeTo = -1
ZeroDelay = 0
ShowReloadProgress = 0
ScytheRange = 5
MaxScytheEntityCount = 4
ScytheDamageMultiplier = 0.8
[ShotBase : cDirectShotBase]
ScareRange = 0
ScareValue = 0
HitDecal = ""
ModelName = ""
Velocity = 1000
[Damage : cPointDamage]
PointLevel = 3
PointMinRangeHP = 7
PointMaxRangeHP = 5
CrewOnly = 0
[ShotEffectBase : cECSimpleBase]
Name = "SMG trajectory"
Delay = 0
[AIInfoSetBase : cAI_InfoSetBase]
_RefID = 20
StringID = ""
BaseId_ = "192.168. 1. 15-1096539201-23932"
OverrideOwnerClassName = ""
[Flags : cDefaultFlags]
_RefID = 21
Flags = 4
[BlockBases *]
[MountModifiers *]
[: cMountModifier]
MaxSpeed = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 0.85
Accuracy1 = 0.97
FiringRate1 = 0.75
Accuracy2 = 1
FiringRate2 = 0.75
SpecUnitText = ""
[: cMountModifier]
MaxSpeed = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 0.85
Accuracy1 = 0.97
FiringRate1 = 1
Accuracy2 = 1
FiringRate2 = 0.75
SpecUnitText = ""
[: cMountModifier]
MaxSpeed = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 0.85
Accuracy1 = 1
FiringRate1 = 1
Accuracy2 = 1
FiringRate2 = 0.75
SpecUnitText = ""
[: cMountModifier]
MaxSpeed = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 0.85
Accuracy1 = 1
FiringRate1 = 1
Accuracy2 = 1
FiringRate2 = 1
SpecUnitText = ""
[: cMountModifier]
MaxSpeed = 1
FOWRangeRadius = 1
Accuracy1 = 1
FiringRate1 = 1
Accuracy2 = 1
FiringRate2 = 1
SpecUnitText = ""
[LevelModifiers *]